acupboardor asmallroomwith adoor, used forstoringthings,especiallyclothes:

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Furniture for storage
- airing cupboard
- almirah
- bookcase
- bookshelf
- broom closet
- credenza
- cubby
- cubbyhole
- cupboard
- cwtch
- footlocker
- hatstand
- hot press
- hutch
- locker
- sideboard
- tallboy
- trophy cabinet
- wardrobe
- Welsh dresser
in the closet
used todescribeapersonwho is notheterosexual(=sexuallyattractedto men if they are a woman and women if they are a man)or notcisgender(= having agenderthatmatchesthebodythey werebornwith), butkeepsthatfactsecretfrom otherpeople:
Thebancouldleadtotransservicemembersstayingin the closetevenwhen it isdangerousfortheirmentalhealth.
Thestoryrevolvesaround Jason and Peter, who are inlovebut are both in the closet.
- In the closetcan have a negative meaning to some people.
out of the closet
used todescribeapersonwho is notheterosexual(=sexuallyattractedto men if they are a woman and women if they are a man)or notcisgender(= having agenderthatmatchesthebodythey werebornwith), and does notkeepthatfactsecretfrom otherpeople:
He isopenlygaynow, but didn't come out of the closet until a fewyearsago.
Gay,lesbian,bisexualandtransgenderstudentsarefeelingempoweredto come out of the closetyoungerthanpreviousgenerations.
For somepeople, being out of the closet canpresenta lot ofrisks, but I'vefoundit veryliberating.
See also
outadverbpreposition(MADE PUBLIC)
come out(BECOME KNOWN)
verb[Tusually passive]
uk/ˈklɒz.ɪt/us/ˈklɑː.zɪt/to put yourself in aplace,especiallyaclosedspace, andstaythere:
关,藏,封闭Twoweeksbefore myexamsI closeted myself(away) inmyroomwith mybooksand I didn'tspeakto anyone.考试前两星期,我把自己关在房里读书,不跟任何人说话。
Thepresidenthas been closetedwith(= having aprivatemeetingwith)hisadvisersfor severalhours.总统与顾问们已经密谈了好几个小时了。
Closing and blocking
- barricade
- batten
- batten down the hatchesidiom
- be snowed upidiom
- blocksomethingoff
- bung
- choke
- congest
- cork
- dam
- damsomethingup
- ensconce
- gum
- sealsomethingoff
- self-seal
- self-sealing
- shut
- shutsomeone/somethingin(something)
- silt
- the darkest hour is just before the dawnidiom
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈklɒz.ɪt/us/ˈklɑː.zət/used to refer to abelief,activity, orfeelingthat iskeptsecretfrom thepublic, usually because you arefrightenedof theresultsof itbecomingknown:
私下的,秘密的,不公开的a closetalcoholic/smoker不愿承认的酗酒者/吸烟者
Doleportrayedthepresidentincampaignspeechesas a "closetliberal".多尔在竞选演讲中将总统描绘为“藏而不露的自由主义者”。
Secrecy and privacy
- anonymity
- anonymization
- anonymize
- anonymous
- anonymously
- data protection
- dead men tell no talesidiom
- dissimulate
- dissimulation
- down-low
- private
- privately
- privileged
- pseudonym
- pseudonymization
- undisclosed
- whitewash
- whitewashing
- wrap
- wrapped (up) in secrecyidiom