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单词 few


a few
some, or asmallnumberof something
I need to get a few things intown.我需要到城里买几样东西。
There are a fewslicesofcakeleftover from theparty.聚会上剩了一些蛋糕。
We've been having a fewproblemswith the newcomputer.我们的这台新计算机一直有一些问题。
If you can'tfitall thebagsinyourcar, I can take a few in mine.如果你的车里装不下所有的袋子,可以在我的车里放几个。
"How manypotatoesdo youwant?" "Oh, just a few,please."“你要多少土豆?”“哦,几个就够了,谢谢。”
  • A fewis used with countable nouns. Comparesmall.
More examples
  • Theweatherisexpectedtoremainclearfor the next fewdays.
  • Ourcostshaveclimbedrapidlyin the last fewyears.
  • After thetrip, it wasnicegetting back to a fewhomecomforts.
  • A fewraysofsunlightpiercedthesmoke.
  • A fewscattercushionswouldhelptobrightenup thatoldsofa.
used inexpressionssuch as "quitea few" tomean"quitealargenumber"
(用于 quite a few, a good few 等表达方式中) 许多,很多,大量
Iknowquitea fewpeoplewho have had the sameproblem.我知道很多人也遇到了同样的问题。
Lots ofpeopleat theclubare under 20, but there arequitea few who aren't.俱乐部里的很多人都不满20岁,但是也有很多人已经过了20岁。


Little,a little,few,a few
(A) little and (a) few are quantifiers meaning ‘some’. Little and few have negative meanings. We use them to mean ‘not as much as may be expected or wished for’.
A little, a fewwith a noun
We use a little with singular uncountable nouns. We use a few with plural countable nouns:
Little, fewwith a noun
We use little with uncountable nouns. We use few with plural countable nouns. They are used in formal contexts:
(A) little, (a) fewwithout a noun
We can use (a) little and (a) few as pronouns. We can use them to substitute for a noun when it is obvious from the context:
(A) little of,(a) few of
We use of with (a) little and (a) few when they come before articles (a/an, the), demonstratives (this, that), possessives (my, your) or pronouns (him, them):
A little: adverb
We use a little as an adverb of degree. It is more formal than a bit:
A littlewith adjectives, determiners, adverbs
We use a little before adjectives and adverbs to modify them. It is more formal than a bit:
Little: adjective
We use little as an adjective to mean ‘small’:


have a few (too many)

fewdeterminer,pronoun,noun,adjective(NOT MANY)

asmallnumberor not many
It wasembarrassinghow fewpeopleattendedtheparty.只有那么几个人去参加了聚会,真令人尴尬。
He is among the fewpeopleI cantrust.他是为数不多的几个我能信任的人之一。
Very fewpeoplecanaffordtopaythoseprices.没有几个人能付得起那样的价格。
Few of thechildrencanreador writeyet.这些孩子中没有几个会读写。
Few things in thisworldgive me morepleasurethan alongbath.这个世界上没有多少比好好洗个澡更让我感到享受的事了。
We get fewcomplaints.我们很少接到投诉。
According to thesurvey,asfewastenpercentof us arehappywithourjobs.根据调查,仅有10%的人对自己的工作感到满意。
Thebenefitsof theplannedchangesare few.这个计划没什么益处。
littledeterminer(NOT ENOUGH)
Fewerpeoplesmokethesedaysthan used to.现在吸烟的人比以往少了。
Fewer than 3,500tigersareleftin thewildtoday.如今野生虎类还不到3500只。
  • Fewis used with countable nouns.
few and far between
nothappeningorexistingvery often
Apartments that are bothcomfortableandreasonablypricedare few andfarbetween.既舒适又价格合理的公寓少之又少。
More examples
  • Hecreatedawonderfulmealfrom very fewingredients.
  • There are very fewfishatdepthsbelow 3,000metres.
  • She had adevastatingbeauty/charm/smilethat few men couldresist.
  • It was abitdispiriting toseeso fewpeoplearrivingfor themeeting.
  • The man wasstandingonly a fewfeetaway.


We use the quantifiers less and fewer to talk about quantities, amounts and degree. Less and fewer are comparative words.
Lessandfewerwith a noun
We usually use less with uncountable nouns. We use fewer with plural nouns:
When we use fewer or less before articles (a/an, the), demonstratives (this, that), possessives (my, your) or pronouns (him, them), we need to use of. We use less of with singular nouns and fewer of with plural nouns:
Lessandfewerwithout a noun
We can leave out the noun when it is obvious:
Little,a little,few,a few
(A) little and (a) few are quantifiers meaning ‘some’. Little and few have negative meanings. We use them to mean ‘not as much as may be expected or wished for’.
A little, a fewwith a noun
We use a little with singular uncountable nouns. We use a few with plural countable nouns:
Little, fewwith a noun
We use little with uncountable nouns. We use few with plural countable nouns. They are used in formal contexts:
(A) little, (a) fewwithout a noun
We can use (a) little and (a) few as pronouns. We can use them to substitute for a noun when it is obvious from the context:
(A) little of,(a) few of
We use of with (a) little and (a) few when they come before articles (a/an, the), demonstratives (this, that), possessives (my, your) or pronouns (him, them):
A little: adverb
We use a little as an adverb of degree. It is more formal than a bit:
A littlewith adjectives, determiners, adverbs
We use a little before adjectives and adverbs to modify them. It is more formal than a bit:
Little: adjective
We use little as an adjective to mean ‘small’:


a man/woman of few words
no fewer than


Veryfewpossible cases of construc' ' tion (a) were found; see example (28).
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, the findings did indicate that veryfewwomen applied for funding.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The fewest and longest lines are also drawn on plans generating an 'axial map'.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The value of b is on the order of afewthousand indicating that plume is in the diamagnetic limits.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Because there are fewer constraints to the parameter values in qualitative modeling, there inevitably exists ambiguity.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Even under the second scenario, thefewphonetic changes that did occur were limited to underlying change.
From theCambridge English Corpus
On the other hand, such policies have provoked grassroot activism and stimulated senior organisations in quite afewcountries.
From theCambridge English Corpus
With afewexceptions, returns to households from wildlife are generally less than $30.00 per annum.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Activities that have large starting capital requirements are pursued by relativelyfewpeople but yield lucrative returns.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If hemodynamic stability can be achieved, sinus rhythm returns in the vast majority of patients spontaneously within afewdays after surgery.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He fell again afewdays later and returned with a second confirmed spinal fracture requiring cervical fusion.
From theCambridge English Corpus
They depict housing processes in relatively unfettered markets with comparativelyfewgovernment regulations and direct intervention.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Only afewpractices reported using the data in a more systematic way and carrying out a regular analysis of them.
From theCambridge English Corpus
There arefewstudies reported on the problem of motion planning in dynamic environments.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A relatively high threshold, say at 7.5 %, is likely to result in fewer parties gaining representation than where the threshold is comparatively lower.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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