fluorescent light
uk/flɔːˌres.ənt ˈlaɪt/us/flɔːˌres.ənt ˈlaɪt/(UKalsostrip light)afluorescentelectriclightin theformof athinglasstube, often with aplasticcover:
Theyfoundthemselves in agrimhotelroomwith afadedcarpetandharshfluorescentlights.

Toru Kimura/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thehouseuses low-wattagefluorescentlightsin mostrooms.
- Theharshnessof thefluorescentlightsheightenthesenseofdiscomfort.
- They haveworkedallnightbeneath thehumoffluorescentlights.
- Myhusbandsays itwastesmoreenergytoturnfluorescentlightsoff and on than it does to justleavethem on.
Lighting & light fittings in the home
- bulb
- candelabra
- candle
- candlestick
- candlewick
- chandelier
- head torch
- headlamp
- hurricane lamp
- lamp
- lampshade
- penlight
- rope light
- SAD lamp
- searchlight
- solar lantern
- unlit
- uplighter
- votive candle
- wick