uk/ˌpen.tɪˈkɒs.təl/us/ˌpen.t̬ɪˈkɑː.stəl/amemberof aChurchorgroupthat ispartof thebranchof theChristianreligionknownasPentecostalism, whosemembersput a lot ofemphasison thepowerof theHolySpirit, forexampleto makepeoplewho aresickhealthyagain, and whobelievethat everything in theBibleistrue:
五旬节教派的教徒,该教派的信徒非常强调圣灵的力量,比如治愈疾病的神力,并相信圣经的全部内容为真Like other evangelicals, Pentecostalsassertthe Bible'sword-for-wordauthority, the need toacceptChrist, and thedutytosharethatfaithwithothersbefore the enddays.五旬节教派的教徒跟其他福音派新教徒一样,支持圣经一字不差的权威性,支持对基督的信念,还认为自己负有在末日来到之前与人分享信仰的责任。
- Most Pentecostals takepridein anexpressiveformofworshipin whichmembersareencouragedtoclap,raisetheirhands, andshoutout, "Hallelujah."
- Jason wasraiseda Pentecostal and DeMarco aRomanCatholic.
- She said she's still a Pentecostal. Shespeaksintongues,raisesherhandduringpraisesongs, says "amen" duringsermons,quotesScripture andsharesChristwithfriends.
- In Guatemala, 23percentof Pentecostals saidtheirfuturefinancialoutlookwillimprovea lot,comparedwith 19percentof those from allfaiths.
- Being a Pentecostal is toworshipincommunity.
Christian denominations
- Anglican
- Anglo-Catholic
- C of E
- Calvinism
- Calvinist
- Congregationalism
- Coptic
- denominational
- ecclesiastical
- ecumenical
- Low Church
- Lutheran
- Methodism
- Methodist
- multi-denominational
- Proddie
- Protestantism
- puritanism
- reformation
- the Sally Army
uk/ˌpen.tɪˈkɒs.təl/us/ˌpen.t̬ɪˈkɑː.stəl/relatingtoPentecostalism(= abranchof theChristianreligionthat puts a lot ofemphasison thepowerof theHolySpirit, forexampleto makepeoplewho aresickhealthyagain, and thatbelievesthat everything in theBibleistrue):
五旬节教派的Charles Fox Parham of Topeka iscreditedwithfoundingthe first PentecostalchurchandBibleschool.堪萨斯州托皮卡市的查尔斯·福克斯·巴翰被视为第一间五旬节教会和圣经学校的创始人。
- As for theroleof thepastorin a Pentecostalchurch, it is much the same as in amainlineProtestantorRomanCatholicchurch.
- Thisformofmusicgrewout of Pentecostal andindependentBaptistchurchesthatembracedpianosandguitars.
- He had had a Pentecostalupbringing, so he wasopentofaithhealing.
- Ethnicminoritiesand,particularly,blackPentecostal Christians arehelpingincreasedwindlingchurchcongregationsin manycities.
Christian denominations
- Anglican
- Anglo-Catholic
- C of E
- Calvinism
- Calvinist
- Congregationalism
- Coptic
- denominational
- ecclesiastical
- ecumenical
- Low Church
- Lutheran
- Methodism
- Methodist
- multi-denominational
- Proddie
- Protestantism
- puritanism
- reformation
- the Sally Army