in a way thatinvolveseventsorthoughtsfollowinganother onedirectly, in aclearorder:
Thestorydoes notprogresslinearly from oneeventin the character'slifeto the next.
Keyargumentsarescatteredthroughoutthebookinsteadof beingbuiltup linearly.
- Thebookis notdesignedto bereadlinearly.
- I've beenthinkingtoo linearly,reactingtoostraightforwardlyto the things infrontof me.
Order and sequence - general words
- alphabetize
- around
- back end
- be a chapter of accidentsidiom
- catalogue
- chapter
- cycle
- inline
- linearity
- litany
- merry-go-round
- next
- procession
- secondly
- sequence
- sequencing
- sequent
- string
- train
- wave
linearlyadverb(MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE)
in a way in which one thingchangesat the samerateas another, so that therelationshipbetween them does notchange:
Thisgraphshowsthat theinitialrateofreactionincreaseslinearly.
Thespeedof thedotsincreasedlinearly withdistancefrom thecentre.
- The "fee" doesn'tincreaselinearly withtime.
- Theminimumcavitypressuredecreaseslinearly withincreasingentryvelocityover thetestrange.
- Theyfoundthat both atage4 andage6,durationofdeprivationwas linearlyrelatedto thenumberofsignsofattachmentdisorders.
Numerical relationships
- absolute maximum
- absolute minimum
- arithmetic progression
- cardinality
- decreasing
- differential
- disproportionate
- golden ratio
- intersect
- inverse function
- inverse proportion
- linear
- monotonic
- percent
- percentage
- prorated
- quantile
- ratio
- recursion
- trinomial