(of anarea,path, etc.) having hadobjects,piecesofrubbish, etc.removedfrom it,especiallywhen these wereblockingsomething orcausingaproblem:
No one will beallowedinto thecitycentreuntil theareaiscompletelycleared.
Themorningafter thesnowstorm, hedroveslowlydown a clearedpathto thetown.
(ofobjects,rubbish, etc.) having beenremovedfrom aplace:
Rinse out all thepipesthoroughlywith ahoseoncetheblockageis cleared.
Wehopeto have thewreckagecompletelycleared byMonday.
There werelargepilesof cleareddebris.
- Afirebreakis a clearedareathathaltsa fire'sprogress.
- There's more clearedforestand morebuildingdevelopmenteveryyear.
- There is agreatfeelingofsatisfactionwhen we areabletohanda clearedminefieldback to thepeople.
- bare
- barrenness
- blank
- clear
- dead
- deserted
- desolate
- desolation
- empty
- flat
- forlorn
- hollow
- low-traffic
- nothingness
- uncrowded
- uninhabited
- unobstructed
- unoccupied
- vacant
- vacuum
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Clean & tidy
Removing and extracting
having beenfoundnot to beguiltyof doing somethingwrong:
Heconsidershimselfcompletelycleared of anywrongdoingafter theinvestigation.
The only thing thatmatteredto her was a clearedname.
- A clearedsuspectwould have toapplyto get aDNAsampleremovedfrom thepolicedatabase.
- accuse
- acquit
- acquittal
- be above/beyond reproachidiom
- be in the clearidiom
- beat
- beat the rapidiom
- clear
- culpability
- culpably
- exculpate
- exculpatory
- exonerate
- innocence
- innocent
- innocently
- reproach
- responsibility
- responsible
- smell
Oncevehicleshave beeninspectedthey are clearedtocrossthebridge.
Onlyapplicantswho aresecuritycleared will beeligibleto take up thepost.
(of achequeorpayment)ableto bepaidto thepersonwho it isowedto, because abankhasapprovedit:
Ifyourbidissuccessful, you mustpay10% of thefinalpriceimmediatelyusing a clearedchequeor a banker'sdraft.
- You are notallowedto take anynotesout of thecourtroomwithout a clearedmemberofstaffreviewingthem first.
- Hespokeon theconditionofanonymitybecause he was not cleared tospeaktoreporters.
- You are not cleared todriveuntil sixweeksafter atotalkneereplacement.
Approving & approval
- accepting
- affirmation
- approbate
- approbation
- approval
- approving
- be here forsomeoneidiom
- body positive
- countenance
- like
- nice
- nice one!idiom
- relegitimize
- royal assent
- rubber stamp
- seal
- self-affirmation
- self-approbation
- thumb
- thumbs upidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Allowing and permitting
Payment methods