track noun (PATH )
C1 [C orU ] thepairoflongmetalbarsfixedon thegroundat anequaldistancefrom each other, along whichtrainstravel:
(铁路的)轨道 a ten-milestretchof track 10英里长的铁轨
Passengers arerequestednot towalkacrossthe tracks. 乘客不要穿越铁轨。
Peter Owen/EyeEm/GettyImages
B1 [C ] UK apathorroughroadthat is made ofsoilratherthan having asurfacecoveredwithstoneor othermaterial:
小道,小径 Thehouseis at the end of adirt/anunmadetrack. 房子在一条泥土路/尚未铺好的小路的尽头。
Clicked by Avik Chakraborty/Moment/GettyImages
Thehorseandcartjoggeddown theroughtrack towards thefarm. There's a track thatleadsdirectlyto thereservoir. After a while thenarrowtrackmergeswith awiderpath. The track petered out after amileor so. Turnleftwhere theroadtapersoff into a track. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRailways & railway lines
Amtrak artery branch line electrify funicular junction level crossing light rail light railway metro monorail railroad railroad tie RR siding signal signal box switch switchback underground See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
track noun (SPORT )
B1 [C ] atypeofpathorroad, often in theshapeof aring, that has beenspeciallydesignedandbuiltforsportsevents,especiallyracing:
赛道;跑道 an all-weather track 全天候赛道
adog/horsetrack 赛狗/马的跑道
Therunnersare now ontheirfinallapof the track. 赛跑选手正在跑最后一圈。
Alan Schein/Corbis/GettyImages
B2 [U ] US asportin whichpeoplecompetewith each other byrunningaraceon aspeciallypreparedcircularpath:
径赛运动 a trackevent 径赛
Samruns track on the highschoolteam. 萨姆参加了高中径赛队。
[U ] US
(also track and field ) ;(UK athletics ) thegeneralnamefor aparticulargroupofsportsin whichpeoplecompete,includingrunning,jumping, andthrowing
At thegun, therunnerssprintedaway down the track. Theracingcarleftthe track at 120mphandscythedthrough thecrowdofspectators,killingten. Stewards will beinspectingtheracetrack at 9.00. She wascarriedoff the track on astretcher. Herlifeis aseventfuloff the track as on it. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSurfaces on which sports take place
18-yard box AstroTurf bound bowling green canvas climbing wall court goal line ground staff out of bounds idiom playability playable playing field pump track recreation center ring rink sideline skatepark upright See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
track noun (MARKS )
B2 [C usually plural ] amarkorlineofmarkslefton thegroundor on anothersurfaceby ananimal,person, orvehiclethat hasmovedover it,showingthedirectiontheymovedin:
踪迹;足迹;车辙 Policefoundtyretracks in themud. 警方在泥地里发现了轮胎印。
Thehuntersfollowedthe tracksof thedeerforhours. 猎人循着鹿的脚印追了几个小时。
Theburglarswerecarefulnot toleave any tracks behind them. 盗贼小心翼翼地不留下任何踪迹。
Amir Mukhtar/Moment/GettyImages
be on the track ofsomeone/something
to beexaminingmarksorpiecesofinformationthat show where apersonoranimalhas gone, inordertocatchhim, her, or it:
追踪 Thepoliceare on the track of thekiller. 警方正在追踪该杀人犯。
Wefoundsomebadgertracks in thefield. There aredeeptyretracks in themud. Thedogsdid notleaveany tracks. Houses in the track of thestormweredestroyed. Thehuntersareskilledatfollowinganimaltracks in thewood. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHoles, hollows and dips
anti-crack aperture blistered chink cranny cratering escape hatch gouge hollow imprint intake interstice leak leaky nook nooks and crannies idiom piercing pinprick shaft void See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
track noun (DIRECTION )
[C ] thedirectionthat something has taken or will take through theair:
(在空中运行的)轨迹,路线 Peoplelivingin the trackof thehurricanehave beenadvisedtoleavetheirhomesuntil it haspassed. 已经建议居住在飓风经过之处的人们从家中撤离,直到飓风过后再回去。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMovement through the air
airborne buoyantly buzz flight flit float fly glide hover levitate levitation mid-air non-flying soar somersault swishy swoop waft wheel wing See more results »
track noun (DEVELOPMENT )
C2 [C orU ] thedirectionin which someone'sjoboreducationdevelops:
(工作或受教育的)方向 She was alawyer, but then shechangedtrackcompletelyandbecameadoctor. 她当过律师,但后来彻底转行成了医生。
[C usually singular ] the way in which athoughtorideahasdevelopedor mightdevelop:
思维方式;思路 Ifounditdifficulttofollowthe trackof hisargument. 我觉得难以跟上他论证的思路。
get off the track
tostarttalkingabout something that is notpartof what you should betalkingabout:
(讲话)离题 Ithinkwe're getting off the track here - we'resupposedto bediscussingouradvertisingcampaign. 我觉得我们离题了——我们应该讨论的是广告宣传活动。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMaking progress and advancing
advancement age ahead ahead of anti-development carry flourish flower furtherance gather get beyondsomething get it together idiom journey mature pan ripen ripeness self-advancement self-betterment self-development See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Logic and reason
Digressing and being indirect or evasive
track noun (EDUCATION )
[C ] education US specialized
(UK stream ) a set ofclassesforschoolstudentswithsimilarabilitywho areapproximatelythe sameageand aretaughttogether:
Students who do well intheir8thgradeclasseswillqualifyfor thehonorstrack in highschool. 在八年级成绩比较好的学生可以在高中加入荣誉学位班。
thetop/bottomtrack 程度高/低的班
[C ] education US specialized anarrangementin which agroupofstudentsattendsschoolat aparticulartimewhen anothergroupat the sameschoolis onholiday:
This is a year-roundschoolandparentswith severalchildrenmay have toplacethem on different tracks.
In aschoolwith asingletrack, theentirestudentbodyis on the samecalendar.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStudents & pupils
-grader alumna alumnus attrition batch batchmate entrant graduate homeschooler houseman infant internship learner pupil school-leaver schoolboy schoolchild schoolgirl schoolmate theologian See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
track noun (MUSIC )
B2 [C ] one of severalsongsorpiecesofmusicon a CD or othermusicalrecording:
(光盘、录音磁带等上的)一首歌,一支乐曲 Thealbumincludesfourpreviouslyunreleased tracks. 这张专辑收录了4首以前未曾面世的歌曲。
[C ] apartof amagnetic striponto whichsoundcan berecorded, with several tracks on onemagneticstrip:
音轨,声道 When apieceofmusicisrecorded, eachinstrumentisrecordedseparatelyon a 24 or 48-tracktape.
And this nextrecordis thetitletrack on thealbum'TheRedShoes' . The first track on thealbumissurprisinglytuneful. Which isyourfavouritetrack on thealbum? Heplayedme a track fromtheirnewalbum. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSound and image recordings
audiobook autotune B-side Blu-ray box set compact disc concept album jewel case MD MiniDisc mix multitrack pressing record reissue sample sharpness tagging talking head VR See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Idioms be on the right/wrong track
inyour tracks
keep track
lose track
make tracks
on track
track verb (FOLLOW )
C2 [T ] tofollowapersonoranimalbylookingforproofthat they have beensomewhere, or by usingelectronicequipment:
跟踪,追踪 It'sdifficultto track ananimaloverstonyground. 很难在多石的地面上追踪动物。
Themilitaryuseradarsatellitesto tracktargetsthroughcloudsand atnight. 军队用雷达卫星透过云雾和夜幕追踪目标。
Theterroristswere trackedto (=foundin) Amsterdam. 恐怖分子在阿姆斯特丹被追踪到。
See also backtrack (GO BACK)
sidetrack verb
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto follow someone or something
followFollow me - this way! tag alongDo you mind if my little brother tags along? chaseHe was running and the dog was chasing him. pursueThe robber was pursued by several members of the public. tailThe car was tailed by police for several hours. shadowThe police think the robbers shadowed their victims for days before the crime. See more results »
C2 [T ] torecordtheprogressordevelopmentof something over aperiod:
追踪,记录…的进展 Thestudytracked thecareersof 1,226doctorswhotrainedat the Medical School. 该研究对1226名医学院学生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。
Hisbooktracks thedevelopmentofmodernEnglish. She has tracked herfamilyback threecenturies. Policetracked thegunto anabandonedwarehouse. Wespentthedaytrackingdeerin theforest. Radarequipmenttracked theprogressof theships. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPursuing
be hot onsomeone's track/trail idiom be onsomeone's tail idiom bear bear down onsomeone/something bring bring up the rear idiom convoy flight hound humbug in hot pursuit idiom on the scent idiom pester pursue run shadow stick tailgate tailgating track and trace See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
track verb (MOVE )
[I ] If afilmorvideocameratracks in aparticulardirection, itmovesalong while it isfilming:
(摄影机)跟踪拍摄,移动摄影 Themovieendswith alongtrackingshot around thedesertedhouse. 影片的结尾场景是一个围绕这幢废弃房子拍摄的跟踪长镜头。
[I ] media specialized If amovingpartof arecordingmachinetracks, it gets into thecorrectpositionforoperating:
(录制设备的移动部件)运转正常 OurVCRtracksautomatically. 我们的录像机能自动摄录。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCinema - general words
12A animation animator audio described audio description fade filmic filming filmstrip flick footage franchise projection Rambo remake rerelease rescreen reshoot sting theatrical See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
track verb (FINANCE )
[T ] tofollowthelevelof aninterestrate,share price, etc.:
跟随(利率,股价等) Themortgagedealwill track the Bank ofEnglandbaserateplus0.75percent. 这個抵押貸款的利率将跟随英格兰银行的利率并加0.75个百分点。
Tonyis putting £500 amonthinto a asavingsaccountthat tracks theFTSEAll-Shareindex. 托尼每个月把500英镑存入一个利率跟随金融时报指数变动的储蓄账号。
track verb (STUDENTS )
[T ] US
(UK track ) togroupandteachtogetherschoolstudentswithsimilarabilitieswho areapproximatelythe sameage:
(同龄学生依智力编排的)班,组 Westartto track thechildrenin the thirdform. 我们从三年级开始把孩子们按能力分班。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesClassifying and creating order
alphabetize anti-hierarchical arrange arrangement arranger array bracket misclassification misclassify miscode mislabel misorder nest set out setsomething up shake shakesomeone down short-list shortlist tick See more results »
Phrasal verb tracksomething/someone down
(Definition oftrack from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
track noun (PATH )
C1 [C orU ] thepairoflongmetalbarsfixedon thegroundat anequaldistancefrom each other, along whichtrainstravel
(铁路的)轨道 a ten-milestretchof track 10英里长的铁轨
Passengers arerequestednot towalkacrossthe tracks. 乘客不要穿越铁轨。
B1 [C ] UK apathorroughroadthat is made ofsoilratherthan having asurfacecoveredwithstoneor othermaterial
小道,小径 Thehouseis at the end of adirt/anunmadetrack. 房子在一条泥土路/尚未铺好的小路的尽头。
Thehorseandcartjoggeddown theroughtrack towards thefarm. There's a track thatleadsdirectlyto thereservoir. After a while thenarrowtrackmergeswith awiderpath. The track petered out after amileor so. Turnleftwhere theroadtapersoff into a track.
track noun (SPORT )
B1 [C ] atypeofpathorroad, often in theshapeof aring, that has beenspeciallydesignedandbuiltforsportsevents,especiallyracing
赛道;跑道 an all-weather track 全天候赛道
adog/horsetrack 赛狗/马的跑道
Therunnersare now ontheirfinallapof the track. 赛跑选手正在跑最后一圈。
B2 [U ] US asportin whichpeoplecompetewith each other byrunningaraceon aspeciallypreparedcircularpath
径赛运动 a trackevent 径赛
Samruns track on the highschoolteam. 萨姆参加了高中径赛队。
[U ] US
(also track and field ) ;(UK athletics ) thegeneralnamefor aparticulargroupofsportsin whichpeoplecompete,includingrunning,jumping, andthrowing
At thegun, therunnerssprintedaway down the track. Theracingcarleftthe track at 120mphandscythedthrough thecrowdofspectators,killingten. Stewards will beinspectingtheracetrack at 9.00. She wascarriedoff the track on astretcher. Herlifeis aseventfuloff the track as on it.
track noun (MARKS )
B2 [C usually plural ] amarkorlineofmarkslefton thegroundor on anothersurfaceby ananimal,person, orvehiclethat hasmovedover it,showingthedirectiontheymovedin
踪迹;足迹;车辙 Policefoundtyretracks in themud. 警方在泥地里发现了轮胎印。
Thehuntersfollowedthe tracksof thedeerforhours. 猎人循着鹿的脚印追了几个小时。
Theburglarswerecarefulnot toleave any tracks behind them. 盗贼小心翼翼地不留下任何踪迹。
be on the track ofsb/sth
to beexaminingmarksorpiecesofinformationthat show where apersonoranimalhas gone, inordertocatchhim, her, or it
追踪 Thepoliceare on the track of thekiller. 警方正在追踪该杀人犯。
Wefoundsomebadgertracks in thefield. There aredeeptyretracks in themud. Thedogsdid notleaveany tracks. Houses in the track of thestormweredestroyed. Thehuntersareskilledatfollowinganimaltracks in thewood.
track noun (DIRECTION )
[C ] thedirectionthat something has taken or will take through theair
(在空中运行的)轨迹,路线 Peoplelivingin the trackof thehurricanehave beenadvisedtoleavetheirhomesuntil it haspassed. 已经建议居住在飓风经过之处的人们从家中撤离,直到飓风过后再回去。
track noun (DEVELOPMENT )
C2 [C orU ] thedirectionin which someone'sjoboreducationdevelops
(工作或受教育的)方向 She was alawyer, but then shechangedtrackcompletelyandbecameadoctor. 她当过律师,但后来彻底转行成了医生。
[C usually singular ] the way in which athoughtorideahasdevelopedor mightdevelop
思维方式;思路 Ifounditdifficulttofollowthe trackof hisargument. 我觉得难以跟上他论证的思路。
get off the track
tostarttalkingabout something that is notpartof what you should betalkingabout
(讲话)离题 Ithinkwe're getting off the track here - we'resupposedto bediscussingouradvertisingcampaign. 我觉得我们离题了——我们应该讨论的是广告宣传活动。
track noun (STUDENTS )
(UK stream ) agroupofschoolstudentswithsimilarabilitywho areapproximatelythe sameageand aretaughttogether
(同龄学生依智力编排的)班,组 Students who do well intheir8thgradeclasseswillqualifyfor thehonorstrack in highschool. 在八年级成绩比较好的学生可以在高中加入荣誉学位班。
thetop/bottomtrack 程度高/低的班
track noun (MUSIC )
B2 [C ] one of severalsongsorpiecesofmusicon a CD or othermusicalrecording
(光盘、录音磁带等上的)一首歌,一支乐曲 Thealbumincludesfourpreviouslyunreleased tracks. 这张专辑收录了4首以前未曾面世的歌曲。
[C ] apartof amagnetic striponto whichsoundcan berecorded, with several tracks on onemagneticstrip
音轨,声道 When apieceofmusicisrecorded, eachinstrumentisrecordedseparatelyon a 24 or 48–tracktape. 录制音乐时,每一种乐器分别被录制在一盘24或48声道的磁带上。
And this nextrecordis thetitletrack on thealbum'TheRedShoes' . The first track on thealbumissurprisinglytuneful. Which isyourfavouritetrack on thealbum? Heplayedme a track fromtheirnewalbum. Idioms be on the right/wrong track
inyour tracks
keep track
lose track
make tracks
on track
track verb (FOLLOW )
C2 [T ] tofollowapersonoranimalbylookingforproofthat they have beensomewhere, or by usingelectronicequipment
跟踪,追踪 It'sdifficultto track ananimaloverstonyground. 很难在多石的地面上追踪动物。
Themilitaryuseradarsatellitesto tracktargetsthroughcloudsand atnight. 军队用雷达卫星透过云雾和夜幕追踪目标。
Theterroristswere trackedto (=foundin) Amsterdam. 恐怖分子在阿姆斯特丹被追踪到。
See also backtrack (GO BACK)
C2 [T ] torecordtheprogressordevelopmentof something over aperiod
追踪,记录…的进展 Thestudytracked thecareersof 1,226doctorswhotrainedat the Medical School. 该研究对1226名医学院学生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。
Hisbooktracks thedevelopmentofmodernEnglish. She has tracked herfamilyback threecenturies. Police tracked thegunto anabandonedwarehouse. Wespentthedaytrackingdeerin theforest. Radarequipmenttracked theprogressof theships.
track verb (MOVE )
[I ] If afilmorvideocameratracks in aparticulardirection, itmovesalong while it isfilming.
(摄影机)跟踪拍摄,移动摄影 Themovieendswith alongtrackingshot around thedesertedhouse. 影片的结尾场景是一个围绕这幢废弃房子拍摄的跟踪长镜头。
[I ] media specialized If amovingpartof arecordingmachinetracks, it gets into thecorrectpositionforoperating.
(录制设备的移动部件)运转正常 OurVCRtracksautomatically. 我们的录像机能自动摄录。
track verb (FINANCE )
[T ] tofollowthelevelof aninterestrate,share price, etc.
跟随(利率,股价等) Themortgagedealwill track the Bank ofEnglandbaserateplus0.75percent. 这個抵押貸款的利率将跟随英格兰银行的利率并加0.75个百分点。
Tonyis putting £500 amonthinto a asavingsaccountthat tracks the FTSE All-Shareindex. 托尼每个月把500英镑存入一个利率跟随金融时报指数变动的储蓄账号。
track verb (STUDENTS )
[T ] US
(UK track ) togroupandteachtogetherschoolstudentswithsimilarabilitieswho areapproximatelythe sameage
(同龄学生依智力编排的)班,组 Westartto track thechildrenin the thirdform. 我们从三年级开始把孩子们按能力分班。
track | American Dictionary
track noun (PATH )
[C ] apaththat isnarrowerthan aroad, often with anunevensurface:
Wewalkedalong amuddytrack at thesideof thefield.
[C ] A track is also one or apairofparallelmetalbarson whichtrainstravel.
track noun (MARKS )
[C usually pl ] amarkorlineofmarkslefton asurface,esp. theground, by amovinganimal,person, orvehicle, thatshowsthedirectionoftravel:
track noun (SPORTS )
[C/U ] thesportofcompetitiverunning, or awide,circularpaththat is made for thissport:
[U ] Fallsportsincludefootball,hockey, and track.
[C/U ] A track is also aspeciallypreparedsurfacefor anykindofracing:
[C ] adog/thoroughbredtrack
track noun (MUSIC )
[C ] one of severalsongsorpiecesofmusicon amusicalrecording
Idioms on track
on the right track
on the wrong track
track verb [T] (MAKE MARKS )
tofollowsomething thatmovesorchangesbynoticingmarksorsignsthat it hasleftbehind:
Thestudytracked thecareersof 1226doctorswhotrainedat Harvard Medical School.
If you track somethingmessyordirty, youleavemessyordirtymarkswhenwalkingbecause you had something onyourshoesorfeet:
Thekidsare always trackingmudin thekitchen.
Phrasal verb track downsomeone/something
(Definition oftrack from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
thedirectionthat something has taken or in which it ismoving:
They areabletoforecastthe track of thestormdaysinadvance.
the way in which somethingdevelopsor mightdevelop:
on the right/wrong track Webelievewe are on therighttrack togrowthebusinessin the comingmonths.
thetypeofeducationorcareer someonechoosesand the way itdevelops:
She was alawyer, but then shechangedtrack completelyandbecameadoctor.
Studentsperformbetteronceengagedin acareertrack withclearexpectationsof what ittakesto get ajob.
the way in which athoughtorideahasdevelopedor mightdevelop:
Ifounditdifficulttofollowthe track of hisargument.
keep track (of sth)
tokeeparecordof something, or makecertainthat youknoworrememberwhat hashappened:
Keep track of thehoursyouwork.
Hisjobis tokeeptrack of all theshipmentsgoing out tocustomers.
lose track (of sth)
tostopkeepingarecordof something, orstopbeingcertainthat youknoworrememberwhat hashappened:
I havelosttrack of thenumberoftimesyou have been late thismonth.
So manycustomerscame in that Ilosttrack after anhour.
on track
They're on track to makerecordprofits.
See also fast track
have the inside track
[T ] tofollowthemovementorprogressof something or someone:
Thecompanyset up adatabasetohelptracksalesacrossthecountry.
Investigators are trackingstreamsof thecontaminatedfoodthrough severalstates.
[T ] torecordtheprogressordevelopmentof something over aperiod:
We have been tracking thetrendsincomputersalesfor over tenyears.
Thestudytracked thecareersof 1226doctorswhotrainedat the University of Michigan Medical School.
[T ] BANKING ,FINANCE tofollowthelevelof aninterestrate:
Themortgagedealwill track the Bank ofEnglandbaserateplus0.75 pc.
[T ] FINANCE ,STOCK MARKET tofollowthelevelof aparticularshareindex :
Tonyis putting £500 amonthinto asavingsaccountwhich tracks theFTSEAll-Shareindex.
(Definition oftrack from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof track track
Therefore, the proposed approach is beneficial to reducing the tracking error. From theCambridge English Corpus
Second, it tells us that our intuitions about what would make a political consensus possible are on the righttrack . From theCambridge English Corpus
In many applications, including image processing and computer vision, we need totrack quantities that are defined on the surfaces. From theCambridge English Corpus
In contrast to the students, the instructor has to keep the discussion ontrack and facilitate turns. From theCambridge English Corpus
Problems concer ning the lack of equity of the tracking system in language lear ning exper ience and lower expectation for low-tracked students need consideration. From theCambridge English Corpus
My reasoning was that for children implicitly ' keepingtrack ' of the evaluative contexts of ' happen ', either partner's utterances would be important. From theCambridge English Corpus
Examples of tracks of particles that initially are close together are shown in figure 3. From theCambridge English Corpus
Moreover, the morphisms between such datatypes are really 'computed' by the elements tracking them, in the sense that each tracking element determines its function. From theCambridge English Corpus
Indeed, the lack of documentary evidence makes it difficult enough totrack him down. From theCambridge English Corpus
Furthermore, a method based on front evolution can be used totrack the contours of moving and deformable objects in temporal sequences of images [19]. From theCambridge English Corpus
This attitude of ours is a form of "scientism" we think licensed by thetrack record of the scientific disciplines and institutions. From theCambridge English Corpus
The global pose tracking problem has been widely investigated by fusing various external sensors and odometric measurements. From theCambridge English Corpus
Since the feature patterns are fixed on the target, the target tracking task can be realized by tracking the centroids of the circular area. From theCambridge English Corpus
The material is relatively simple: drones, amplified percussion, distortion effects, and, in the finaltrack , a range of objects. From theCambridge English Corpus
Such simulations could be used totrack the course of the speaker's turn, predict when that turn will end, and so on. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith track track These are words often used in combination withtrack .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
audio track
A reading of the words was recorded onto theaudio track of a videotape.
From theCambridge English Corpus
backing track
The microphone was passed round the group, each member of which had the benefit of thebacking track being played on individual headphones.
From theCambridge English Corpus
bonus track
This duet is also included on this album as abonus track .
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.