uk/kəmˈpleɪ.nɪŋ/us/kəmˈpleɪ.nɪŋ/theactof saying that something iswrongor notsatisfactory:
抱怨,发牢骚,诉苦;投诉,控告Iheara lot of complaining about thetechnologynotworkingas it should.我听很多人抱怨说技术不能正常运转。
- If anyone wasdisappointedshe didn't have abandbehind her, I didn'thearany complaining.
- There's been a lot of complaining bycertaingroups, but I don'tseeaproblem.
- Thekeytoleadershipis for us toaccept100%responsibilityforresults, with noexcuses, no complaining, and noblamingof otherpeople.
- He isdrivingeveryonemadwith hisconstantcomplaining.
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- bellyaching
- bewail
- bugger, sod, etc. this for a lark!idiom
- complain
- complainingly
- create/kick up/raise a stinkidiom
- gnashing of teethidiom
- grouch
- lodge
- moaning minnie
- mutter
- nark
- protestation
- raise a rumpusidiom
- rumpus
- squawk
- vituperation
- whinging
- whiny
uk/kəmˈpleɪ.nɪŋ/us/kəmˈpleɪ.nɪŋ/saying that something iswrongor notsatisfactory:
抱怨的,发牢骚的,诉苦的;投诉的,控告的I was a littleshockedandaskedhim if theyaccusedalltheircomplainingcustomersof beingliars?我非常吃惊,问他是否他们指责所有的投诉客户都是骗子?
Then hebegantospeakin a high, complainingvoice.然后他开始用一种抱怨的口吻高声说话。
- Thoseparentswhoplacatetheircomplainingchildrenwithcakesare oftenfeedingtheirdeprived-childselves.
- Iinsistedondraggingmy complaininghusbandout for abriskwalk.
- Victimlesscrimestendto have no complainingpartiesother than thepolice.
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- bellyaching
- bewail
- bugger, sod, etc. this for a lark!idiom
- complain
- complainingly
- create/kick up/raise a stinkidiom
- gnashing of teethidiom
- grouch
- lodge
- moaning minnie
- mutter
- nark
- protestation
- raise a rumpusidiom
- rumpus
- squawk
- vituperation
- whinging
- whiny