uk/kruː/us/kruː/crewnoun(group of people)
B1[C,+ sing/pl verb]
agroupofpeoplewhoworktogether,especiallyall those whoworkon andoperateaship,aircraft, etc.:
a TV/film/cameracrew电视/电影/摄影工作人员
Theaircrafthas/carriesa crew of seven.这架飞机上有7名机组人员。
See also
thepeoplewhoworkon aship,aircraft, etc. who are notofficers:
(除官员之外的)全体船员;全体机组人员,乘务员Apart from the tenofficers, a crew of 90takescareof the 300passengers.除了这10位高级官员,还有90名船员为300名乘客服务。
- ASpanishcrewmemberhad beenwashedoverboardin thestorm.
- He is amemberofourcameracrew.
- Ambulance crewsbattledtorescuepeopletrappedin thewreckage.
Air travel: workers on/with aircraft & spacecraft
- air hostess
- air marshal
- air traffic control
- air traffic controller
- aircrew
- baggage handler
- baggage handling
- balloonist
- cabin crew
- co-pilot
- cosmonaut
- flight attendant
- ground crew
- navigator
- pilot
- sky marshal
- skycap
- spaceman
- spacewoman
- steward
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
People who work on boats & ships
Groups of people
thesportofrowingaboat(=causingit tomovethroughwaterusingpoleswithflatendscalledoars):
I'd neverparticipatedin anyteamsportsuntil I did crew.
Shedonatedmillions ofdollarsto make women's crew avarsitysport.
Porterfield would go on torowcrew for the USnationalteam.
Heplayshockeyandrowson the crewteam.

Robert Llewellyn/Corbis/GettyImages
uk/kruː/us/kruː/If you crew aboat, or crew for someone ontheirboat, youhelptosailit.
当(船员),在船上工作Sailing & boating
- age of sail
- aweigh
- bargee
- bargeman
- bear away
- draught
- maritime
- navigable
- outsail
- passage
- portage
- rafting
- re-rig
- sail
- sailing
- sea legs
- seafaring
- seaworthiness
- shipboard
- under sailidiom