uk/ˈdaʊn.lɪŋk/us/ˈdaʊn.lɪŋk/acommunicationslinkforsignalscoming from asatellite,spacecraft, oraircraft:
Thesystemwouldallowavideodownlink on theaircraft.
The downlinkdelayincreasesby around 20timesincongestedconditions.
internet & telecomsspecialized
alinkcoming from a different, or differentpartof a,communicationsorcomputernetwork:
the downlink fromISPtocustomer
Itoffersdownlinkdataspeedsof up to 100Mbps (megabytespersecond).
- They hadCommanderSteve Kelly on a downlinktalkingabout thedayon thespacecraft.
- The liftoff of thelunarmodulewasdocumentedvisuallyfrom thelunarrover, but not by film—this was done bytelevisiondownlink.
- We could have aninexpensiveone-waysatellitedownlinkcoveringmuch or all of theregion.
- He said the downlinksystemcancapturevideoup to 10milesaway.
- Thespeedon the uplink fromcustomertoISPislowerthan on the downlink fromISPtocustomer.
- Tracks can bedownloadedwirelessly overhigh-speeddownlinkpacketaccess(HSDPA).
- Themodemwasclaimedto becapableofdeliveringdownlinkspeedsof up to 7.2Mbps.
Communications - general words
- anti-satellite
- app
- autodial
- autodialler
- cable
- caller ID
- cybernetics
- fibre optics
- hack
- noise
- non-computer
- non-network
- optical fibre
- patch
- patchsomeonethrough
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- satellite
- silent
- Zoombombing
uk/ˈdaʊn.lɪŋk/us/ˈdaʊn.lɪŋk/toreceiveorsendsignalsusing acommunicationslinkfrom asatellite,spacecraft, oraircraft:
TheserviceallowsTVchannelsto downlink or uplinktheirsatellitesignalsover theregion.
For twodays, thesatellitedownlinkedimagesaspartofitsstudyofsolarwinds.
Theaircraftcan downlinkitspositioninformationon aperiodicbasistoairtrafficcontrollers.
This is the mostpopulartypeofsatellitetransmissionfor uplinking and downlinking.
internet & telecomsspecialized
tosenddatausing alinkto a different, or differentpartof a,communicationsorcomputernetwork:
Thelaptopcollectsdataandtransfersit to acentralcomputerto downlink tomissioncontrol.
- We're going to downlink as muchsciencedataaspossiblefrom the deep-spaceprobebefore itpassesout ofcontact.
- I do notrecommendthis if youwishto downlinklegalTVchannels.
- Theimagewas then downlinked from aEuropeansatellite, whichtransmittedit to anothersatellite.
- Downlinkedimagesshow nodegradationinimagequality.
Communications - general words
- anti-satellite
- app
- autodial
- autodialler
- cable
- caller ID
- cybernetics
- fibre optics
- hack
- noise
- non-computer
- non-network
- optical fibre
- patch
- patchsomeonethrough
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- satellite
- silent
- Zoombombing