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cut down cut down on cut in cut into cut off
cut out cut out for/cut out to be cut short cut up damp down
dam up dash down dash off date from/date back to dawn on/upon
day after day day by day day in and day out deal in deal with
decide against decide on/upon deck out/up declare off dedicate to
deduce from defer to deliberate on/over/upon delight in deliver over/up
deny oneself depart from dependent on/upon depend on/upon deprive of
derive from descend from descend on/upon desirous of despair of
destined for destitute of detrimental to devote to die away
die down die from die of die off die out
different from/than differ from dig in dig into dig out
dig up dilate on/upon dip into disappointed about/at/in disappointed with
disapprove of discharge from discriminate against discriminate from disgusted with/at
dish out dish up dismiss from dispense with disposed to
dispose of distinct from distinguish from distract from divide by
divide into divorced from do away with do for do in
do justice to dole out doll up doomed to do one's best
do out do over do sb.a good turn do sb.out of double back
double up doubt about/of doubtful about/of do up do with
do without down on down with doze off draft out
drag down drag in drag off drag on drag out
drag up draw away draw back draw down draw forth
draw in draw on draw out draw sb.'s attention to draw to a close
draw to/towards draw up dream away dream of dream up
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