aspecialvehicleused to takesickorinjuredpeopletohospital:
救护车Icalledan ambulance.我叫了救护车。
We werewokenin thenightby thewailof ambulancesirens.深夜,我们被救护车凄厉的警报声吵醒了。
an ambulancedriver救护车司机
An ambulancecrewwas called to hishome, but he wasdeadby thetimetheyarrived.救护人员接到了求救电话,但是赶到他家时他已经咽气了。

NickyBlade/ iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- There's been anaccident-dial999andaskfor an ambulance.
- They did everything they could tosavehim, but he was already toofargone when the ambulancearrived.
- Thesirensignalledtheapproachof an ambulance.
- The ambulanceracedround thecornerwithitstyresscreaming.
- There's been anaccident- can youringfor an ambulance?
Trucks, vans & caravans
- a fifth/third wheelidiom
- armoured car
- bakkie
- bin lorry
- bowser
- breakdown truck
- caravan
- dumper
- float
- horse trailer
- milk truck
- tender
- tipper
- tractor-trailer
- trucking
- utility truck
- utility vehicle
- Winnebago
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Emergency services in general