uk/ˌeɪ.esˈsiː/us/ˌeɪ.esˈsiː/abbreviationforautism spectrum condition:
Women with ASCpresentinwide-rangingandsubtleways.
- Autismspectrumconditions(ASC) are "neurodevelopmental",meaningthat thebrainandcentralnervoussystemdevelopandfunctionatypically.
- Thespecialinterestsofchildrenwith ASC maydifferfromtheirneurotypicalpeers, or may besimilarbut much moreintense.
- Females with ASC are moreinclinedtowards sociability, emotionality andfriendshipthanmaleswith theseconditions.
Mind and personality
- (a) penny for your thoughtsidiom
- allism
- allistic
- alter ego
- ambivert
- Asperger's syndrome
- cognition
- id
- identify
- identity
- in the person ofsomeoneidiom
- intellect
- jib
- noggin
- non-identity
- noodle
- on the spectrumidiom
- subconscious
- vantage point